Other projects


December 2016

Ukrgidroenergobud R&D Consortium signed a contract for construction of the primary facilities and buildings, installation and commissioning work on reconstruction of two blocks of Kaniv Pumped Storage Power Station (7 hydraulic units).


Kaniv HSPS construction site is located in Kaniv district of Cherkasy region, on the right bank of the Kaniv Water Reservoir, ten kilometers from the current Kaniv HPS.

Structure of the main HSPS objects is as follows:

- upper accumulating reservoir;

- reversing inlet with a water intake channel;

- four lines of pressure steel and concrete buried water pipes having an inner diameter of 8.00 m;

- HSPS building with 4 reversible hydro units and a mounting platform;

- take-out channel;

- pot head yard with an auxiliary laboratory, administrative and industrial buildings, central oil facilities, checkpoint premise, premise of paramilitary security services (VOHOR), open oil warehouse, tank for emergency oil drainage from transformers;

- KRUE gas distribution plant, 330 kV.

The lower reservoir is the existing Kaniv Reservoir. The upper pool having the useful volume of 17 million m3, the power water to be pumped to during the night decrease in the electricity load, will be established at a height of 110 meters above the Kaniv Reservoir.